Fundraise for Feed the Frontlines

 You can help sustain NYC restaurants, rehire employees, and feed New Yorkers by starting your own community fundraiser.

Every $18 you raise will provide one meal to a New Yorker who needs it most.

Step One: Create and register your team

Your team can be any group of people interested in helping you fundraise for Feed the Frontlines NYC.

  • Sports teams or student clubs

  • Community organizations or events

  • Classmates or colleagues

  • Friends and family 

 Step Two: Set your fundraising goal

Link your fundraiser to an event or goal: in lieu of a birthday or graduation gift, to sponsor a 5K run, or other personal/team achievement.

Two groups of supporters organized and hosted virtual comedy shows to benefit Feed the Frontlines!

Step Three: Share on social media

Tag us in your posts, for a chance to be reposted by our accounts.